5e final sacrifice

What is 5e Final Sacrifice?

5e Final Sacrifice is a game feature in Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition that allows players to make a final sacrifice to achieve a specific goal. This feature was introduced in 2022 with the release of The Wild Beyond the Witchlight adventure book.

How to Use 5e Final Sacrifice?

When a player decides to make the final sacrifice, they must first declare their intention to the Dungeon Master. The DM then determines the difficulty of the sacrifice and the reward for the player's success. The player must then make a roll using a d20, and the DM will compare the result to the difficulty level. If the player succeeds, they achieve their goal, but at the cost of their character's life.

What Are the Benefits of 5e Final Sacrifice?

The benefits of 5e Final Sacrifice are numerous. This feature allows players to achieve their ultimate goals, such as saving a loved one or defeating a powerful enemy, in a dramatic and meaningful way. It also adds an element of risk and consequence to the game, making choices and actions more impactful.


1. Can a player use 5e Final Sacrifice more than once?

No, a player can only use 5e Final Sacrifice once per character. This is to ensure that the feature remains balanced and does not become overpowered.

2. Can a player choose to use 5e Final Sacrifice even if they are not in a life-threatening situation?

Yes, a player can choose to use 5e Final Sacrifice at any time, but the DM will determine the difficulty level based on the situation and the player's intentions.


5e Final Sacrifice is a powerful and dramatic game feature that adds depth and meaning to a player's actions and choices. It allows players to achieve their ultimate goals in a memorable and impactful way. However, it should be used with caution and only in situations where the risk and reward are worth the sacrifice.